Casting Memories
Nigeria’s artistic and cultural legacy was stolen by an invading British military force in 1897. Today, those looted objects (aka the Benin Bronzes) remain on display in the Smithsonian, and other museums.
We wanted to honor the people of Benin by remembering them and create a way to experience their art beyond the museum.
Using images from the Smithsonian’s collection as inspiration, we recreated some of the looted Benin Bronzes using 3D modeling software, and made them available as downloadable open-source models.
We wanted to liberate these objects by making it possible for people to print them at home, or even view them in their own spaces using augmented reality.
The Ọba, or king, of Benin covered the palace courtyard with hundreds of plaques like this. They depict narrative scenes, historical events and symbolic animals.
Head of An Ọba I
This head was once displayed on an altar honoring a particular Ọba. This model was based on a Bronze that was sold recently to a private collector for $14MM.
Head of An Ọba II
This model was based on an Ọba’s head that was donated to the Smithsonian by the Walt Disney Corporation in 2005.
Ovonramwen’s Stool
This model was inspired by a stool used by Ovonramwen Nogbaisi, the last Ọba of Benin. It was stolen and ended up in the British Museum after Ovonramwen’s exile.
Altar Bell
This type of bell would have been placed on an ancestral altar in the royal palace. It was sold to the museums by Major Cockburn, a soldier in the invading military force.